Delft Hyperloop is always looking for ways to become more and more sustainable. We want to build our sustainable mode of transportation as sustainable as possible. As a team, Delft Hyperloop has thought of several sustainability statements to become more aware about our impact on the environment. These statements are used in decision-making and trade-offs throughout the project.

The Future of DH
At full scale, a hyperloop system shall provide an energy-efficient and green alternative to high-speed transportation, inspiring people to travel responsibly.
- We will begin to make estimations regarding the exact carbon footprint of our prototype, such that teams that follow us have a baseline to measure their sustainability against.
- An LCA will be performed in order to evaluate the long-term benefits and challenges of hyperloop technology with regards to sustainability.

The Pod
We are committed to building a low-impact prototype by eliminating waste and redundancies, preferring re-using materials and sourcing locally and responsibly.
- We commit to making sustainable design choices, where possible, in order to produce a prototype while minimising carbon footprint.
- We will reuse at least 25% of the components from previous years, provided that this does not affect the performance of the pod.
- We will build a highly modular pod, so that all our components may be reused by teams in the future, if they wish to do so.
- We will source components and products as locally as possible, in order to avoid superfluous transportation.

The Team
As a team, we consider ecological impact at every moment throughout the year, from daily mundanities such as food and energy consumption to important events.
- In the spirit of hyperloop technology, we commit to traveling sustainably, by train or bus, to the location of our competition in Zurich.
- Whenever travel times are within 20%, we will choose to travel by public transport rather than the car.